Last Updated - 14 February 2025
Tony Watton's Adventures
Day Walk to Brown Mountain, Runnymede - 15 May 2021
Day Walk to Five Mile Beach - 8 June 2020
Trip to New Zealand - November/December 2019
Ride from Smithton to Lauderdale - October/November 2018
Riding the Munda Biddi Trail - Western Australia - August/September 2017
Ride from Lauderdale to Smithton - January/February 2017
Tasmanian Trail - Part 2 - November/December 2016
Day Ride on NE Rail Trail - Scottsdale to Tullendeena - September 2016
Tony's Tour de Tasmania - October/November 2015
Walking the Tasmanian Trail - Part 1 - December 2014
Trip to Maria Island - September 2014
Day Walk to Eagles Eyrie, Maydena - August 2014
Trip to King Island - April 2014
Day Trip to Mt Solitary - August 2013
Day Walk to Mt Roland - May 2013
Bicycle Tour of Flinders Island - March 2013
Day Walk to Mt Murchison, West Coast Tasmania - December 2012
Solo Bike Ride to Wayatinah, Central Highlands - October 2012
Day Ride - Lauderdale to Dunalley and Return - March 2012
Walk to South-West Cape - March 2012
Bike Trip to Cockle Creek - October 2011
Trip to Maria Island - September 2011
Pandani Shelf via Sandfly Creek Track - February 2011
Day Walk to South-East Cape, Tasmania - February 2011
Overland Track South to North - June 2010
Precipitous Bluff from Cockle Creek - January 2010
Port Davey Track - December 2009
Trip to Maria Island - August 2008
Frenchmans Cap Walk: August 2007
Freycinet Circuit Walk: June/July 2007
Walls of Jerusalem Walk March/April 2007
Overland Track - including Barn Bluff & Mt Ossa side-trips - Winter 2006
Trip Along the Prostate Cancer Highway - from February 2004 (Updated to February 2025)
Sea Kayak trip down the Pieman River to the Heads - January 2004
Frenchmans Cap Walk - December 2003
Day Ride - Lauderdale to Huonville - Car Shuffle with Kayak Trip - May 2003
My Daily Commute - Lauderdale to Hobart - 2002/2004
South Coast Track - Melaleuca to Cockle Creek - November 2002
Cockle Creek to South Cape Rivulet - Weekend Walk - September 2002
Mountain Bike Tour of the Western Half of Tasmania - February 2002
Mountain Bike Tour of the Eastern Half of Tasmania - January 2000
Walk to Federation Peak - August 1998
Solo Day Walk to Mt Anne - July 1998
Huon Pine Experience - 1994 to 2000
I welcome inquiries about my trips. To contact me -
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My son, Matthew Watton's adventures can be found at